Am I, have i been or should i be over the top. Questions i ask myself these days when things start feeling a bit excessive.
I’ve probably got this minimalist thing skewed and maybe it’s the highly ambitious in me that truly believes one does not need to wear too much when considering the colder conditions i’ve anticipated for when December comes and less is more favourable.
Wearing a crop top as one of my latest attempts at a fall sense of dressing is on the up and overdoing it is the key ingredient for a season that requires you to layer up like a sandwich. My Jaeger blazer is thick and the colour is a bagel-beige so i need to beef up the standards. The Cognac belt & Burgundy boots evenly spread and trim away the excess crust my cluster rings and fur stole add as filler to the tasty combination.
A food for comfort recipe i’m likened to that warms up the sentiments of a cold winter. Amidst the leftovers that leave me feeling gluttonous and pensive, with reference to my thoughts before, maybe i am overdoing it just a little bit.
I talked about honing my power and sense of control back in Feb. Fast-forward six months plus, my efforts have slimmed down and i’ve started to let things go which suddenly meant that my clothes, or lack of, went with it too. I need to go and exercise restraint in attempts to savour the remaining bulk of outfits i have. So, i can copy & paste bits of my life back and still throw a little something extra on top with hope that i look put together when i’m not. Even if that means certain items won’t make the cut.